Monday, January 17, 2011

"The Get To's"

I must tell you that being organized has never been one of my best qualities.  It has always been - put it here, put it there, take care of it later...well, I find that most of us tend to do that with our lives.  I will get to: taking care of me, I will get to the gym, I will get to the class I want to take, but way too often - "the get to's" just don't happen.  I feel that it is because we end up building such a big pile of "get to's" that it is almost impossible to get enough energy to just start getting there.  It is such a circle...we want to get it done, but then there is so much to do, that it is just easier to keep piling things onto the pile.  This goes with our inner personal lives, as well as the closets that are over-flowing.  I find that when my tangeable items are out of order, it is nearly impossible for me to focus on the harmony of my inner- self.  When I have too much clutter around me, it also adds clutter to my mind.  So for the New Year, I have started to clean out all the clutter.  One drawer at a time, one closet, one box....but with each sorted mind gets clearer and cleaner every day.  I look everything and decide if it is something that I need to take and have with me.  The amazing part is, with every tangeable item, there is also an emotional item that is getting cleared.  Understanding of myself and who I am is awakening with my every effort.   Projects that I once thought were important, no longer are necessary.  So for today, lets just try to clear one thing out of our lives.  Maybe it is a pile of laundry that is folded, but not touch for days...maybe you need to look at that and decide if it is something you really want...or is it time to remove this clutter from your life.  Maybe it is the car that you jump into everyday, that takes you to your job, and you start your day out with "YICK", as it needs to be cleaned.  Please yourself today...with just one removal of clutter..Let's work our way to finding the balance of ourselves.

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