Friday, December 31, 2010


Good morning!  I just love the last day of a year..I like to take the time to remember and understand where my life has gone, what it has experienced and consider what parts I want to take with me for the up-coming year.  So many people jump on the wagon with the "New Year's Resolutions"...I have always believed that the resolutions are not always what one should be doing.  You know the big ones like on January 1st, "I am quiting smoking, I am going on a diet, I am going to the gym, I am going to be nicer"just to name a few. Well these are all wonderful conceptual ideas, but why would anyone want to start a new year with such burdens and stress. I always consider the new year as a chance to re-group.  It is a chance  take a deep breathe and look into one's self.  A chance to consider the parts of ourselves that we have felt imperfect or uncomfortable with during the past year.  It is a chance to take the time to understand ourselves and once we understand ourselves, we have hope of being able to correct and adjust the patterns that we have added to life.
So to make more clear of this...consider the concept of "I am going on a diet".  Well, that's a great plan, but would be better to understand ourselves, as to WHY we eat too much?  Wouldn't it be better to correct the bad inner parts of us that provoke the constant eating and weight gain?  Wouldn't the New Year's Resolution be more effective if one was to say "As of January 1st, I am going to understand WHY I need to go on a diet?"
 I do beleive that it true with everything we do in life.  We all have a tendency to "jump" into jobs, relationships and situations before we take the time to understand "why" we are doing them.  We live in a society that is pushing us, forcing us, demanding us to go fast.  Don't take time to understand your job...just push yourself harder to get the advancement.  Don't understand what makes you smoke cigarettes......just pressure yourself in knowing that you have to quit.   Don't take time to understand the relationship...just jump into it, as we are suppose to be in a relationship.  And on and on....thus, all of this adding  more stress to our daily lives. 
My New Year's Resolution is to "take my time, allow my mind to understand my circumstances, picture a goal for myself, take the time to understand how to get to it-without adding stress". I think stress makes us just run around in a circle, like the caged hamster.  He runs so fast in the wheel in his cage, but he never can get any further then inside of his wheel.  When we burden ourselves with too much stress, we cannot get out either.  We cannot think clearly.  We cannot focus on what is truely important in our lives. We just keep running and running, but can never get away.  So for all my friends I wish for you to get off the wheel and relieve yourself from stress.  Find a time, everyday, that you can be silent, a time that you can think...Ok, I know you are thinking..."sure great idea, but how can I take time for me...I just don't have any time."  Maybe you need get up an hour early and enjoy a cup of  tea, while watching the sun come up.  One of my favorite hideouts is in the shower.  Just take an extra five minutes and listen to the water fall onto your body.  Feel the warmth surround you.  Close your eyes and be with yourself for just that few minutes.  My point being that you do not have to take much time each day, but that you need to take some time of quiet space "just for you".  Forget about what you have to accomplish for the day, forget about the daily requirements and the demands that are going to placed on selfish and take the time for YOU!!... Once you start doing this, you will find that it makes the rest of the day easier.  It will give you an opportunity, at any point of your busy day, to just think about your quiet moment.  It will bring a smile to your face and it will help take the stress away. 
So these are my parting words to good to yourself!  Once you accomplish this, the rest will come easy.  Happy last of 2010 and I wish for you a wonderful NEW YEAR and I look forward to sharing it with you!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Just a "WOW" day

Have you ever had one of those days that the plans are so well laid, and then oops...they are change?  Well, that is how my day is going today.  But again, it is just another day in my journey of life.  We have very good friends, whos lives are not going in a path that seems fair.  So with Christmas almost here, we decide to take a journey to attempt to find a new mattress and box spring for a present for them for Christmas.  Now this is all fine and good, but for me to leave and ready out the door at 8 am that is another story.  I make is through the "wake me up to early", and off we go.  The house we went to, where there were mattress sets for sale,  is one of the oldest victorians in Laconia, NH.  It has 26 rooms and all the rooms are filled with stuff. The owner is this wonderful, happy man who is indeed surrounded by his stuff.  It was amazing as he wanted to show us all of his "stuff".  Tiffany glass, brass statues, pianos, antiques of incredible value.  The gentleman opened his home to share his worlding finds with us, but also opened himselves with his pleasure of giving us the home tour.  OK, so you get the picture.....
So now we get back home and my desire is to write in my blog today, ummmmmmm can't get access to my blog......I have spent over an hour "changing" the password-resetting the password and then - it just works.
But "CHANGE" is more directly the word for today.  We change our jobs, we change our clothes, we change our relationships...but can one actually change themselves.  I have always felt that we are given a straight line from the time we are born...we will follow this line.....until the time we die.  Now we also have the right to falter off this line and go extreme to either side of the ying yang/good or bad.  But the bottom line is we are all born to die.  Now getting back to my word we ever have the right to change ourselves, or are we destined to the line of life that we are handed?   We all know that we are told we can never change someone else, because that is just who they are...but again....can we change ourselves.  Is the person, that I was born the person, that I am chosen to remain.  Is it my thoughts and feelings that make me the person I am or is it how I use those thoughts and  feelings.  I finally understand that if I had trusted my thoughts and feelings 50 years ago, that my life would have been very different, but did this path of life, that I choice, actually change me as the person I was born to be.  If you believe that your soul and energy never dies, then you might believe as I do, that the knowledge that came with the past life also comes to the next life.  Not all of it, but lots of cool knowledge.  Like how do I just automatically do something, that I have never done?  How does the child of four years of age play mozart?
I am getting too far ahead and way off my thoughts for sitting here today.  The CHANGE was also going to changing my thoughts of what Christmas is suppose to be.  Normally I run around crazy, shopping, cooking, cleaning  and just rushing and do not enjoy a moment that was being given to me.  Well, this year is certainly a change.  My house looks like a bomb when off in it, we are 4 days from Christmas and our friend, the painter, is still painting in our home.  The bedroom is mostly in the livingroom and my "change" is that it is OK.  It doesn't matter about all the is reminding that it is not the "stuff" (as I mentioned early) it is the people who are in your lives. The people who help make our life what they are.  So here's to having a wonderful Chrismas and to excepting the change around me....

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I was recently questioned "why don't I just play music for my clients that is the music of their choice with words and loudness, verses music that I feel is "spiritually" awakening.  Well, it is because during a Reiki treatment you need to let your mind float and relax to its natural state of mind.  It is not to be influenced by any outside stimulates. It isn't the music noise that gets you to a silent place, it is the silent place that gets you to the place of relaxation and inner harmony.  We are always subjected to crying...verbal chatter....but we rarely allow our minds the silent relaxed place that brings us true inner peace.  It amazes me how anyone can live in a city enviroment, as there is never quiet.  There is never a time that the mind hears silence.  I am so fortunate to live in the country. Most days I can walk in my yard and hear only the trees flutter with the wind brushing the leaves or the birds singing their sweet melody.  None of these are controlling sounds..just natural relaxing melodies.  Have you have tried to get a teen-ager to turn down their music?  The response is usually "I am just trying to be alone".  This being my children their minds are attempting to grow and balance and their minds are always contaminated with outside noise.  There is never anytime for them to have silence. What the kids don't realize, I  think,  is that the loud music is taking away what they are really reaching for and causing more stress to their lives.  As a child in school, we always started the day with a silent "prayer".  Now was that for religious purposes or could it have been for the emotional well being of the children to reach to their inner silence.  So with these thoughts of today...I suggest that we all take that moment, put in the ear-plugs and accept a few moments of silence for ourselves every day.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Energy in Life

Well, here it is, I have finally had the realization of the perfect name for my new journey in life...
"Energy in Life" and I believe that truely says it all.  Life requires to work, energy to play and energy just to survive in the hectic times we are always presented..  My hectic starts today with the confusion of setting up this blog.  I had an blog site, called "bridalbluesbyally" and for some reason I cannot seem to access it and add todays thoughts.  So now I have started a brand new site for us all to enjoy.  I think that this is the way it is suppose to be, as I am constantly finding myself reverting to old patterns.  My journey change has gone from closing a business, that I owned for 28 years, and within 30 days starting a new direction of life. So away with bridalbluesbyally, (hopefully I can transfer my other writtings to this blog) and at age 58 a new beginning.
It is so strange with life, how many times we have new beginnings.  New jobs, new relationships, new ideas, new thoughts. How many times do we try to avoid them, as the old was just easier.  Old stuff is something that we are comfortable with.  We don't have to think about it, it just happens.  But for me NEW is exciting it is an energy in life that we are allowed and should grasp whenever possible.  It helps to keep us alive!!  Do you ever see someone and feel that they are just letting "life" disappear?  That they haven't taken the challange that is set before them?  There is a quote that seems to say it all to me "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away".  My training in Reiki has done that for me!  It has given that excitment of purpose. The energy of life that I was feeling I was missing.  I can't wait to start sharing my energy with everyone around me (oh, I am already doing that), to give Reiki Healing sessions, to share my training to those who want to understand Reiki and spread the word.....ENERGY IN LIFE!!!