Friday, December 31, 2010


Good morning!  I just love the last day of a year..I like to take the time to remember and understand where my life has gone, what it has experienced and consider what parts I want to take with me for the up-coming year.  So many people jump on the wagon with the "New Year's Resolutions"...I have always believed that the resolutions are not always what one should be doing.  You know the big ones like on January 1st, "I am quiting smoking, I am going on a diet, I am going to the gym, I am going to be nicer"just to name a few. Well these are all wonderful conceptual ideas, but why would anyone want to start a new year with such burdens and stress. I always consider the new year as a chance to re-group.  It is a chance  take a deep breathe and look into one's self.  A chance to consider the parts of ourselves that we have felt imperfect or uncomfortable with during the past year.  It is a chance to take the time to understand ourselves and once we understand ourselves, we have hope of being able to correct and adjust the patterns that we have added to life.
So to make more clear of this...consider the concept of "I am going on a diet".  Well, that's a great plan, but would be better to understand ourselves, as to WHY we eat too much?  Wouldn't it be better to correct the bad inner parts of us that provoke the constant eating and weight gain?  Wouldn't the New Year's Resolution be more effective if one was to say "As of January 1st, I am going to understand WHY I need to go on a diet?"
 I do beleive that it true with everything we do in life.  We all have a tendency to "jump" into jobs, relationships and situations before we take the time to understand "why" we are doing them.  We live in a society that is pushing us, forcing us, demanding us to go fast.  Don't take time to understand your job...just push yourself harder to get the advancement.  Don't understand what makes you smoke cigarettes......just pressure yourself in knowing that you have to quit.   Don't take time to understand the relationship...just jump into it, as we are suppose to be in a relationship.  And on and on....thus, all of this adding  more stress to our daily lives. 
My New Year's Resolution is to "take my time, allow my mind to understand my circumstances, picture a goal for myself, take the time to understand how to get to it-without adding stress". I think stress makes us just run around in a circle, like the caged hamster.  He runs so fast in the wheel in his cage, but he never can get any further then inside of his wheel.  When we burden ourselves with too much stress, we cannot get out either.  We cannot think clearly.  We cannot focus on what is truely important in our lives. We just keep running and running, but can never get away.  So for all my friends I wish for you to get off the wheel and relieve yourself from stress.  Find a time, everyday, that you can be silent, a time that you can think...Ok, I know you are thinking..."sure great idea, but how can I take time for me...I just don't have any time."  Maybe you need get up an hour early and enjoy a cup of  tea, while watching the sun come up.  One of my favorite hideouts is in the shower.  Just take an extra five minutes and listen to the water fall onto your body.  Feel the warmth surround you.  Close your eyes and be with yourself for just that few minutes.  My point being that you do not have to take much time each day, but that you need to take some time of quiet space "just for you".  Forget about what you have to accomplish for the day, forget about the daily requirements and the demands that are going to placed on selfish and take the time for YOU!!... Once you start doing this, you will find that it makes the rest of the day easier.  It will give you an opportunity, at any point of your busy day, to just think about your quiet moment.  It will bring a smile to your face and it will help take the stress away. 
So these are my parting words to good to yourself!  Once you accomplish this, the rest will come easy.  Happy last of 2010 and I wish for you a wonderful NEW YEAR and I look forward to sharing it with you!

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